Academy Life
Fairfax Library
Fairfax Library: a place of knowledge, truth, fiction and fantasy. Read, write and be inspired!
Fairfax Library is at the heart of our Academy. Run by our library assistant, Miss Loomes, and ably assisted by a student librarian body, our fully stocked and well-equipped resource for literature and learning is open to all students.
With different ‘zones’ for reading, studying, and research, students will find all they need for their academic work and reading for pleasure. Visiting authors, book activities and events happen throughout the year.

- Library opening times are as follows:
08:25 – 16:00 Monday to Thursday
08:25 – 15:00 Friday
The library is open to all students wishing to borrow items, read or study during break and after school. At lunchtimes, access is by pass only. Students who wish to use the library for study or reading must ask for a lunchtime pass during break.
During lesson times, the library is open for Sixth Form private study, unless it has been booked for a class visit. Please check signs on the library door.
Fiction Resources
The fiction collection is arranged alphabetically by the authors’ last name and we have a large range of books suitable for all ages and interests.

Recommended Reads spinners
The spinners are continuously updated for specific year groups to help making a choice easier.
Genre Display
If you are looking for a particular type or ‘genre’ of book, look out for displays near the windows which contain small collections in genres such as, horror, comedy, sci-fi, adventure, fantasy and classics.
Short Stories/Quick Read
These are a perfect alternative to a long read and also as an introduction to a genre you may not have met before!
Fun Facts
This popular section includes titles such as The Guinness World Records and quiz books. The ‘Big Book’ section includes oversize picture books for older readers, puzzles and film related books.
Graphic Novels
The library has a small graphic novel collection, which includes the ever-popular ‘Manga’ novels.
GCSE/A Level texts
Books which are of a particular interest to GCSE and A Level students are held in a separate collection.
Non-Fiction Resources

Main non-fiction collection
The information book collection is arranged using the Dewey Decimal System. This is a system whereby books are arranged by subject and by number within each subject. Posters are there to guide you, but do ask Mrs Jones, or any of the student librarians, if you require assistance in finding information for homework and home learning projects.
Online Resources
We subscribe to a number of academic online resources, which we encourage our students to access. Please see Miss Loomes or your subject teacher to receive details of how to access the sites.
Drama Online
The Drama Online library is useful for both GCSE and A Level students of Drama.
The English and Media Centre is an independent educational charity with a national and international reputation as a Centre of Excellence. It is a development centre, serving the needs of secondary and FE teachers and students of English and Media Studies in the UK and beyond.