PSHE Tutor Time Programme
A comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE); and Careers programme is delivered to all years on an alternate weekly basis. Topics include: transitioning through each phase; mental health; diversity and inclusion; study skills; religious festivals; health and wellbeing; bullying; drugs education; and student voice. The PSHE Tutor Time Programme is lead by Ms Nicole Hau.
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Students meet with their form tutor to hear the notices from the student bulletin to aid communication and to hear about all the upcoming events they can be involved in.
Numeracy and Literacy are key skills for life, and our coordinators provide a rich and varied set of activities throughout the year.
The importance of reading cannot be denied and we have a weekly registration reading slot for all year groups.
An important part of school life is the gathering of the students in one place, and so house and year group assemblies fill the school week, and students get to hear messages from their Heads of House and Heads of Year on a regular basis.
Once a week, students have the opportunity to self review, or to hear about a ‘hot topic’. In this ever-changing world, it is important for students to be kept up to date with national and international events.
PSHE is also addressed in tutor time, as well as in timetabled lessons, and the Sixth Form Tutor Time programme also incorporates a specific careers focus on post 18 choices and examination support. The Sixth Form tutors discuss with the students options available to them and are the first line of support in the package available to our year 12 and 13 students.
Student Voice and Student House Council meetings take place during Tutor Time. This is an opportunity for our students to develop their skills for team working.
During Eisteddfod season, students have time to work on their entries for all the categories available to them.
In addition, our peer mentors and supporters in years 10 to 13 will meet with their mentees during Tutor Time.

The image on the left give a examples of the varied activities that take place in KS3, 4 and 5, and these are updated each half term.