Students are to choose only three subjects* for their application. Students can only select one subject within a block. Please note that option blocks are set for timetabling purposes and subjects cannot be moved.MINIMUM CRITERIAExcept where specified, access to our sixth form will be available to students who have a minimum of 5 grades 9-4, at GCSE, including English and Mathematics at grade 4. Students should not choose to study both Economics and Business at A Level due to the similarities in the examination content.If students wish to take four subjects, they will require an average grade of 7 in the GCSEs to be considered for four subjects, and must meet the criteria of each subject. Courses are subject to course number viability. |
English Literature (Grade 6 at GCSE)French (Grade 6 at GCSE)Geography (Grade 6 at GCSE & Grade 5 in both English and Mathematics)German (Grade 6 at GCSE)Mathematics (Grade 7 at GCSE)BTEC Health & Social Care (Grade 4 in English and Mathematics)Sociology (Grade 5 in English) | Biology (Grade 6 in Core/Additional Science or Separates)English Language & Literature Combined (Grade 5 in English)Dance (Grade 5 at GCSE)Economics (Grade 5 in English and Grade 6 Mathematics)BTEC IT (Grade 4 in GCSE English and Mathematics)Psychology (Grade 5 in GCSE English, Mathematics and Science) | Art (Grade 6 at GCSE)Accounting (Grade 6 in Mathematics)History (Grade 6 at GCSE or Grade 6 in English if not studied at GCSE)Physics (Grade 6 in Core/Additional Science or 6 in Separates and Grade 6 in Mathematics)Psychology (Grade 5 in GCSE English, Mathematics and Science)BTEC Sport (Grade 4 in GCSE English, Mathematics and Combined Science) | Business (Grade 5 in GCSE Business if studied or Grade 5 in both GCSE English & Mathematics)Chemistry (Grade 6 in Core/Additional Science or 6 in Separates and Grade 6 in Mathematics)English Language (Grade 6 at GCSE)Further Mathematics (Grade 8 at GCSE & must be taken as a fourth A Level)BTEC Music Technology (Grade 4 in English and Mathematics. GCSE Music or instrument ability recommended)Sociology (Grade 5 in English) | Drama (Grade 5 at GCSE)Design Technology (Grade 6 at GCSE)Law (Grade 5 English and Grade 5 in a Humanities Subject)Psychology (Grade 5 in English, Mathematics and Science)BTEC Applied Science (Grade 5 in Core/Additional Science or 5 in Separates and Grade 4 in English and Mathematics)Religious Studies (Grade 6 at GCSE or Grade 6 in English) |