Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Our Academy

Statutory Information & Reports

1. Academy contact details

Fairfax Academy,
Fairfax Road,
Sutton Coldfield,
B75 7JT

Please contact the Operations Manager, Mrs S Duvern, for any queries.

Principal: Mr S Castle

Special Educational Need Coordinator (SENDCO): Mrs K Corbett

Contact information for Chair of the Trust Board and our Multi-Academy Trust, FMAT

2. Admissions arrangements

Please see our section on admissions, including In-Year Admissions, Sixth Form Admission and Aptitude details.

3. Ofsted and performance tables

Information regarding the performance of the Academy and its most recent Ofsted judgement can be found on our Ofsted page.

4. Examination results and information

Further information regarding examination results, as well as arrangements for examinations, can be found on our Examination Outcomes and School Performance page.

5. Performance Tables

Access to the school’s performance Tables can be found on our Examination Outcomes and School Performance page.

6. Curriculum

Information about our approach to the curriculum and the content each year group follows can be found on our Curriculum page.

Information regarding our remote education provision can be found here.

7. Behaviour Policies

Our Behaviour, Discipline and Rewards Policy along with the addendum for Covid-19 can be found on here on the Policies and Procedures page. 

You can also find the Anti-bullying Policy on this page. 

8 and 9. Pupil Premium and Catch-Up funding

Our strategy for the use of the Pupil Premium Funding Grant, and Catch-Up funding, and its impact can be found on our Additional Funding page.

10. Covid-19 additional funding strategy

Our strategy for the use of the Covid-19 additional funding, and its impact can be found on our Additional Funding Page


11. Equality objectives

Please see  Equality Information and Objectives Publication  for more information on how we address the equality objectives on our Policies and Procedures page

12. Special Educational Needs and Disability information

The support we offer for SEND students can be found on our  SEND information page.

13. Careers programme information

Information about the careers education and opportunities our students take part in is found on our Careers Page. This includes further information on our commitment to ensuring all our students are aware of the range of educational / training routes available to them, known as ‘The Baker Clause’.

Click on the sub-menus to explore further information for students, parents and carers, and providers.

14. Complaints Procedure

Click here for our Complaints procedure on the Policies and Procedures page

15. Annual reports and accounts

Please see our Trust Finance page for financial annual reports and further documentation.

16. Executive Pay

Please click here to review the Trust website’s Annual Reports and Accounts page, where information on Executive Pay can be found.

17. Trustees’ information and duties

Please see our Trust Governance pages for details of our Trust governance arrangements and further documentation. Click on the menu on the Right Hand Side of the page to explore each section.

18. Charging and Remissions Policy

Our Charging and Remissions Policy can be found here.

19. School Values and Ethos

The values and ethos of our Academy can be found here.

20. Requests for copies

Requests for a paper copy of information, free of charge, from our website should be requested from, FAO Mrs S. Duvern