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Modern Foreign Languages

Mission Statement

At Fairfax, the Modern Foreign Languages faculty aim to create and develop enthusiastic and independent language learners.  Our students are encouraged to develop a curiosity and fascination in discovering the world around them, as well as having an interest and intention to travel in order to deepen their understanding of different cultures and societies.  We are committed to establishing a learning environment that encourages students to feel confident about taking risks and developing informed opinions.  Students will also have opportunities to visit and experience life in France and Germany through study trips abroad. 

The Faculty of MFL is forward-thinking and outward-looking. The faculty offers many varied opportunities to all students to achieve its aims from study tours through pen-friend links to a wide range of enrichment activities.

Why do we need to speak more languages?

Only 6% of the world’s population speaks English as a mother tongue. Over 75% of people in the world speak no English at all. The UK already exports more to France than the Commonwealth and more to Germany than the USA.

Nearly three-quarters of the British public think everyone should speak a foreign language, but only one third actually does.

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart”                                                                                                                                                                                  Nelson Mandela

“A man that does not know a foreign language is ignorant of his own.”

                                                                                           Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

French Curriculum Information

Subject specific websites to support revision and independent learning:

  • ActiveLearn
  • BBC Bitesize (KS3 French)
  • Linguascope (Beginner level).
  • Memrise
  • BBC Bitesize (KS4 French)
  • Linguascope (Intermediate level)
  • AQA exam website for past papers.

Recommended subject guides:

AQA revision guides and workbooks can be purchased through the department. Students are issued with a vocabulary book that is used throughout the GCSE course.

Additional Information:

Key Stage 3 students are issued with a study booklet at the start of the year.

An extra provision calendar for Key Stage 4 is published every term. Additional support is provided at lunchtime or after school as needed.

German Curriculum Information

Subject specific websites to support revision and independent learning:

  • BBC Bitesize (KS3 German)
  • Quizlet
  • Linguascope (Intermediate level)
  • AQA exam website for past papers.


Additional Information:

Students are issued with a study booklet at the start of the year with key vocabulary, phrases and grammar explanations. Students are also actively encouraged to use the internet through online streaming of tv and music to practice and hone their language skills.

Recommended subject guides:

AQA revision guides and workbooks can be purchased through the department.

Additional Information:

An extra provision calendar for Key Stage 4 is published every term. Additional support is provided at lunchtime or after school as needed. Students are also actively encouraged to use the internet through online streaming of tv and music to practice and hone their language skills.


Extra Curricular Activities

MFL Lunchtime Clubs and after-school support

Pen-friend links with schools in France and Germany

Annual study tours to France or Germany

Follow us on our Twitter account: @FairfaxMFL